Best Blank Skateboard Deck Reviews

Choosing the right skateboard deck blank is essential for any skater, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider. Blank decks offer a canvas for customization and are available in various materials, sizes, and shapes to suit different styles of skating. High-quality decks from reputable brands like Santa Cruz, Powell Peralta, Girl Skateboards, Anti-Hero, and Enjoi ensure durability and optimal performance. This guide will help you understand the key factors to consider when selecting a skateboard deck blank, including material, size, shape, and brand reputation, ensuring you make an informed decision tailored to your skating needs.

Best Blank Skateboard Deck Comparison Chart

Affordable Blank Skateboard Deck

Meooeck 24 pcs Blank Skateboard Decks

Deck Size : 24 x 6

Material: High-quality 7-ply maple wood

blank longboard skateboard decks

Moose Blank Skateboard Deck

Deck Size : 7.25 to 9.0

Material: 100% canadian maple 

best blank skateboard decks

Beipoo Blank Skateboard Decks

Deck Size : 31 x 8

Material: Premium 7-ply maple wood


Top-rated Blank Skateboard Deck of 2024 with Detailed Reviews

blank longboard skateboard decks

If you’re in the market for a reliable and versatile skateboard deck, the Moose skateboard deck blank is an excellent option. Known for its high-quality construction and durability, this deck is favored by both beginners and experienced skaters. Its blank design provides a clean slate for customization, allowing you to personalize it with your own artwork or stickers. Whether you’re looking to improve your tricks or simply enjoy a smooth ride, the Moose skateboard deck blank delivers exceptional performance at an affordable price.

The Moose skateboard deck blank is a top choice for skaters seeking a durable, high-quality deck that offers great performance and customization potential. Its traditional 7-ply construction and variety of sizes make it suitable for all levels of skaters, while its blank design provides a perfect canvas for personal expression.

Features :



cheap blank skateboard decks

When evaluating the top-rated skateboard deck blank, the 12 Pack blank deck skateboard by Honoson offers a considerable option for those seeking bulk decks for various purposes. Ideal for artists, hobbyists, and skaters who enjoy customizing their boards, these blank deck skateboards provide a versatile and cost-effective solution. With a classic design and durable construction, these decks are suited for both artistic projects and regular skateboarding.

The Honoson 12 Pack skateboard deck blank are among the finest blank deck skateboard for those looking to purchase in bulk for art projects or custom designs. While the decks are sturdy and offer a classic design, users should note that some finishing quality issues may arise, making them more suitable for artistic use rather than intense skateboarding.

Features :



best blank skateboard decks

The Beipoo 31″x 8″ skateboard deck blank are among the best quality blank deck skateboard available for customization and general skateboarding. This blank deck skateboard
is perfect for skaters at all levels who appreciate a versatile and sturdy deck that can be personalized to their liking. With its high-quality maple wood construction and classic design, this deck provides an excellent balance of durability and flexibility, making it a top choice for both creative projects and practical use.

The Beipoo 31″x 8″ blank deck skateboard are an excellent choice for those seeking the high quality skateboard deck blank. With their durable construction and customizable surface, these decks offer great value for skaters looking to personalize their ride or keep a reliable backup on hand.

Features :



best blank skateboard decks to buy

If you’re in search of the premier blank deck skateboard to buy, the Meooeck 12 Pcs blank deck skateboard offer a versatile and high-quality option. Ideal for both beginners and experienced skaters, these skateboard deck blank provide a durable canvas for custom designs and intense skating sessions. With their robust maple wood construction and ample customization possibilities, these decks stand out as a top choice for skate enthusiasts.

The Meooeck 12 Pcs skateboard deck blank are among the foremost blank deck skateboard to buy, offering exceptional quality and versatility. These decks provide a sturdy foundation for both artistic projects and serious skating, making them a great investment for any skateboard enthusiast.

Features :



If you’re looking for the best blank skateboard decks to buy that are also budget-friendly, the Wettarn 12 Pcs Old School Skateboard Decks are a great option. These cheap skateboard deck blank offer excellent value for both beginners and experienced skaters who want to customize their boards. Made from quality maple wood, these decks are durable and provide a reliable platform for skateboarding and artistic projects alike.

The Wettarn 12 Pcs Old School Skateboard Decks are among the best blank longboard skateboard decks to buy if you are looking for quality and affordability. These cheap blank deck skateboard offer a durable and customizable platform for skaters and artists, making them a great choice for various projects and everyday use.

Features :



Affordable Blank Skateboard Deck

The Meooeck 24 Pcs skateboard deck blank are a fantastic option for those seeking the outstanding skateboard deck blank, particularly for longboard enthusiasts. These blank longboard skateboard decks offer ample opportunities for customization and are designed to withstand daily use. Made from high-quality maple wood, these decks provide both durability and flexibility, making them ideal for various skating activities and artistic projects.

The Meooeck 24 Pcs skateboard deck blank are among the excellent blank deck skateboard to buy, particularly for those looking for blank longboard skateboard decks. These decks offer a durable and customizable platform for young skaters and artists, making them a great choice for various projects and everyday use.

Features :



skateboard deck blank

For those seeking a durable and customizable skateboard deck blank at an affordable price, the BESIY blank longboard skateboard decks 8.0 Inch is a top choice. These cheap blank skateboard decks are ideal for both beginners and experienced skaters looking to create their own unique designs. Made from high-quality 7-ply maple wood, these decks provide excellent strength and flexibility, making them a reliable option for various skating activities.

The BESIY skateboard deck blank 8.0 Inch is an excellent option for those looking for a reliable and affordable blank longboard skateboard decks. These cheap blank longboard skateboard decks offer a sturdy platform for artistic expression and practical skating, making them a great choice for skaters and artists alike.

Features :



How to choose Right Size of Blank Skateboard Deck


Choosing the right width is crucial for stability and control. Wider decks (8.0 inches and up) provide better stability for ramps and cruising, while narrower decks (7.5 to 7.75 inches) are ideal for technical tricks.


Deck length affects the skateboard’s overall feel and maneuverability. Standard lengths range from 28 to 32 inches. Shorter decks are more agile and easier to flip, while longer decks offer more stability and control.

Shape and Concave

The shape and concave determine how the deck handles. A deeper concave offers better grip and control for tricks, while a flatter concave is suited for cruising and stability. Choose based on your skating style.

Purpose and Style of Skating

Consider your skating style—street, park, or vert. Street skaters often prefer narrower, lighter decks for tricks. Park and vert skaters benefit from wider decks for stability. Match the deck size to your specific skating needs.

Weight of Rider

The rider’s weight influences deck performance. Heavier riders need sturdier, wider decks to ensure durability and support. Lighter riders can opt for narrower, lighter decks for better maneuverability and easier tricks.

Related Link:

What To Consider When Buying Blank Skateboard Deck

  • Material and Construction Adjustability

    When buying a skateboard deck blank, consider the material and construction adjustability. High-quality decks are typically made from 7-ply maple wood, offering optimal strength and flexibility. Ensure the deck can be easily customized or adjusted to fit your skating style and preferences.

  • Deck Size

    Deck size is crucial for comfort and performance. Standard skateboard decks range from 7.5 to 8.5 inches in width. Choose a width that matches your shoe size and skating style—wider decks for stability and narrow decks for technical tricks.

  • Shape and Concave

    The shape and concave of the deck affect control and trick execution. A deck with a steeper concave provides better grip and control for tricks, while a flatter concave is ideal for cruising and stability. Select a shape that complements your skating needs.

  • Weight

    The weight of the deck influences maneuverability and ease of performing tricks. Lighter decks are easier to flip and control, while heavier decks offer more stability. Balance your need for agility and stability when selecting a deck weight.

  • Brand Reputation

    Brand reputation is a significant factor in ensuring quality and durability. Reputable brands are known for their consistent quality and reliable performance. Research brands and read reviews to find a deck that meets your expectations for longevity and performance

  • Price Range

    Price range is important for budget considerations. While cheaper decks may be more affordable, they might compromise on quality. Higher-priced decks often offer better materials and construction. Find a balance between cost and quality to get the best value.

  • Graphics and Aesthetics

    Graphics and Aesthetics Even though skateboard deck blank are typically chosen for customization, consider the potential for graphics and aesthetics. A plain deck offers a canvas for personal artwork, stickers, or paint. Ensure the surface is suitable for your creative plans.

Popular Brands of Blank Skateboard Deck

Santa Cruz Skateboards is renowned for its high-quality decks and iconic designs. Known for durability and performance, their blank decks provide a reliable foundation for both beginners and experienced skaters.

Powell Peralta is a legendary brand in skateboarding, offering premium blank decks known for their strength and pop. Their decks are favored for advanced skating and intricate tricks, ensuring top performance.

Girl Skateboards produces versatile blank decks suitable for various skating styles. Known for their smooth ride and quality construction, these decks are ideal for skaters who value both function and aesthetics.

Anti-Hero Skateboards is celebrated for its rugged, durable blank decks designed for intense skate sessions. Their decks are perfect for street and park skating, offering excellent control and resilience.

Enjoi offers fun, high-performance blank decks known for their playful graphics and reliable construction. Their decks are great for skaters who want a blend of creativity and functionality in their skateboard setup.

Frequently Asked Questions

A good skateboard deck is made from high-quality materials, typically 7-ply maple wood, offering durability and flexibility. It should have a suitable shape and concave for your skating style, and provide excellent pop and control

Reputable skateboard deck brands include Santa Cruz, Powell Peralta, Girl Skateboards, Anti-Hero, and Enjoi. These brands are known for their consistent quality, durability, and performance, catering to various skating styles and preferences.

The cost of a skateboard deck varies widely based on brand and quality. Entry-level decks can range from $20 to $40, while high-end, professional decks can cost $50 to $100 or more.

To determine the quality of a deck, check the material (7-ply maple is preferred), construction (look for solid lamination), and reviews from other skaters. A quality deck will feel sturdy, have good pop, and withstand wear and tear.

Choose dimensions based on your skating style and size. For street skating, a width of 7.5 to 8.0 inches is common. For ramps and cruising, 8.0 inches or wider is better. Lengths typically range from 28 to 32 inches, depending on preference.


Choosing the right skateboard deck blank involves considering several factors, including material, size, shape, and purpose. High-quality decks from reputable brands like Santa Cruz, Powell Peralta, Girl Skateboards, Anti-Hero, and Enjoi ensure durability and performance. It’s important to select a deck width and length that match your skating style and personal preferences. Additionally, considering the rider’s weight and the intended use can help in making an informed decision. By understanding these aspects, skaters can find the perfect blank deck that suits their needs, whether for artistic customization or enhancing their skating skills.